Finally !!!!
‘Writing is no trouble : you just jot down ideas as they occur to you. The jotting is simplicity itself – it is the occurring which is difficult’ – Stephen Leacock
And that is what happened exactly. I write this first blog, with much effort, in terms of taking out time. & I guess at the end of it, I would need to send it to a good editor (read : Sayantani di) because I am sure it will be language wise too bad to read!
Nevertheless, I can be excused for this being my first entry! :)
So coming back to Sayantani di (sorry, but I can’t help not to use ‘di’). When I met with an accident, back in Jan, and eventually told her about it on orkut,her first question was : “so what do you the whole day? Orkutting & novels? N do you do bloggin too???”
I wasn’t much aware of ‘blogging’ till then because the blogs I had read before were mostly poems (again some orkut pals), and I am not that creative…
(So orkutting was really what I was doing to pass my time.)
Then she told me how addictive even blogging was and asked me to start one of my own. That was 24th feb… but being the lazy bum I am, I delayed it till date.
First I wasn’t sure what to name it, and then what to write about! (Though I told her that the first one would be dedicated to her!)
So, Sayantani di. Well, I haven’t known her since much time & saw her on orkut only (precisely in the Photos of ODM – IV) but I somehow felt a kind of draw.
Maybe because she is a Bengali, or more so because she is a boiddyo (that is a caste in Bengali’s, & I am the same. & Yes, I can get a little weird at such ideologies). Also we wear the same kind of frame. Lol!
We haven’t talked much, just know that she is an editor and I guess, an art lover. Now I am really looking forward to meet her.
(Btw, Sayantani di, don’t get too surprised reading the above stated facts because I never mentioned them before, but that IS what was going in my head when I scrapped you the first time.
So finally I did it!! My first blog! Now after reading it, I have a few more points –
1.I seemed to have used a lot of brackets, don’t know why!!
2.Those who reply/comment on this endeavor of mine, (PLEASE DO. :P) kindly write words to encourage me… hehe!
& lastly,
3. while I write this, there is R.D.Burman’s songs playing on my winamp. Isn’t he a genius??? (I wrote this point so that people can have ATLEAST something to comment on. Lol!!)
At 12:45 am,
Unknown said…
Excellent work.
First of all, I like the fact that you've started blogging as well.
Thank you so much for mentioning me in your first ever blog post. Some of your observations are very accurate. :D
Additionally, I like the template you've chosen. And do keep will do you a world of good, and it will give us something new to read.
All the very very best.
At 1:34 am,
Convivial said…
@ woodsmoke
THANKS a lot... for ur comments! yes i will surely try to continue here...
do let me know if u hav sum other suggestions for me!
thnx again!
At 6:23 am,
Lalit Singh said…
Mausi ji ko jai ka pranam
Naye (and only) blog ki hardik shubhkaamnayein... hope u have a good time@Blogsphere
Look forward to visit regularly...
and yes "RD Rocks!!!"
At 7:07 am,
R said…
Blogging can be a great way to express, interact and err.. pass time! :D
Enjoy yourself here!
At 7:08 am,
Convivial said…
@ jai... bahut bahut thnk u hai!
hana mera only hai .... aur yehi iraada hai!!
aapke ek se zyaada hai kya???
n RDB def rocks! can u beleive i saw it in march!!! coz of my stupid accident! nevertheless, i atleast did!!
@ rohit!!
yea TRUE... thnx!!
At 8:03 am,
~ ॐ ~ said…
accident... hope you are better now :)
never mind... have fun writing... coz we are reading... enjoy !!!
At 8:09 am,
Convivial said…
@ OM urf prashie
well first.. wow! as in u commentng on my blog! :P
aapka blog parh parh ke to hum bare hue hai :D..
no seriously, i really like ur blogs! n nw on wud comment too!
abt the accident.. ya been long nw, so much better!
At 8:22 am,
Anonymous said…
a very gud strt to pratice writing.
gr8 for d first attempt..
keep writing n i would join u soon.
tk cr
At 10:09 pm,
~ Deeps ~ said…
hey....gud to c u here mausi ji :D
hope u carry on writing on ur blog.....
btw u wanna know more abt munnar trip then visit here .....
At 10:27 pm,
Convivial said…
@ anu... YES come soon .. waitng for u...
n ya missng u & del..wanna come back sooooooooooon!
@ deepak
thnx ya! wud surely try to b a regular here! n thnx for the link.... dnt knw whther my package wud materialise... bt i am SURELY going thr sumday!!! :)
At 3:02 am,
Anonymous said…
such a faltu blog and such great comments good start for jai-veer's mausiji great going
firstly a heartly congrats for ur blog secondly sorry for late comment :P
for RDB he is definently a musical genius
wo kaha hai na (yaarron kisis ne to kaha hai naam yaad nei aa raha) ki RDB ji to paida hi hue to music banane ke lie
MAA KASAM KOI EK BANDA AISA MILE JO RDB KA KOI GANA PASAND NA KARTA HO. MAUSI JI USKA (zyada nei bolungi) gussa karti hai .............
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